Are you a dental hygiene student who is passionate about dentistry and ready to pass in just 3 days? Are you currently worried that you won’t pass your written boards exam, and then have to spend more time and money studying later??

Imagine what it would be like to wake up the day of your exam, and instead of being filled with anxiety, you are calm and even excited to show your skills and finally fulfill your dream of working in the dental industry!
Calm and excited sound like the last two things most students feel when they are stressed at the thought of studying for their boards. What happens if you don't pass? How much time and money would it cost you to have to re-take the exam?
Let's not even think about that, because you're ready to join the alumni of THE #1 dental hygiene board preparatory program designed to give students every amazing tool they need to pass their boards.
Are you a dental hygiene student who is READY to see that 'PASS' score and tell their program director the good news? Join thousands of dental hygiene students who have received EVERYTHING they need to pass their boards in just 3 days!

"I love Katrina! It was one of the best experiences I have had in my dental hygiene school journey. This was an amazing experience. While Sanders Board Prep days were long, I blinked and it went by. My favorite part of Sanders Board Prep was listening to Katrina speak: she keeps you engaged and she has a true talent for speaking."

"I liked that Katrina really cared about me. She made the lectures entertaining and fun, she cared about the information, she cared about us."
"Sanders Board Prep was amazing, Katrina knows everything you need to know to pass your boards. She’s experienced it and she’s taught it before. Her small class sizes make you feel like she is invested in you, you aren’t just a number to her."
"Katrina was very to-the-point and narrowed down the information to make it do-able. She is high-energy and there was never a dull moment. She made it easy to connect and remember things. I loved how organized she was."
"Thank you for helping us pass our National Boards! This is such a wonderful and educational course that touches on literally everything that was on our boards exam. This is a class I'd pay ANY amount of money to know 110% that I was going to pass my boards."
"I feel very prepared to take my boards. The entire weekend I was completely taken care of. Katrina exceeded what I expected for the course: she provided snacks, lunches and even a free electric toothbrush. She is very engaged in active learning. There was never a dull moment: it was worth every penny."
"Thank you so much for your help. Your passion for education was inspiring and very effective to our success!"


I'm a dental hygiene educator, clinical dental hygienist, author, and national speaker with over a decade of dental hygiene experience.
As the founder and CEO of Sanders Board Preparatory, I believe in the importance of not only educating but also instilling passion for dental hygiene throughout my work.
My lectures incorporate a caring, passionate, energetic, comedic and supportive style as my zest for dental hygiene is infused throughout my content.
I have a thriving career as a dental hygienist and influencer in the dental industry.
I remember what it was like to be in your shoes.
This is why I have created a 100% effective system that allows students just like you to pass with flying colors and move into the career of their dreams.

Melissa Calhoun, MSDH, RDH
Oral Radiology, Provision of Patient Care, Dental Anatomy & Materials, Histology & Embryology

Dr. Thomas French, DDS
Oral Radiology, Pharmacology

Rebecca Horton, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed
Dental Materials

Kevin Ohashi Lopez, RDH, BSDH, MHA
Disease Prevention, Infection Control, Ethics, Oral Pathology, Nutrition
"Everything I learned from Sanders Board Prep was so much more in those 16 lectures than in the past 3 years of my education. Sanders Board Prep is truly worth every penny and every second of time I spent there."
"Sanders Board Prep was more than a refresher course for me. I had to learn new material that I did not know before. I learned more in those 16 lectures than I did in my whole student career. There are many things that I would have never known if it wasn't for your dedication to making sure we didn't leave that night until we all understood the content."

"Sanders Board Prep met not only my learning style, but all learning styles. I'm a visual learner and I need repetition to make sure it sticks, these were a huge player in my success in passing my National Boards."
"Katrina, thank you so much for opening up your home to us and taking on the huge role of educating us on everything we needed to know in 5 short weeks. Your passion for education is undeniable!"
"I would pay any dollar amount to feel the way I felt every night when I left Sanders Board Prep. The confidence I gained in not only feeling like the material was clicking but also sticking was priceless."
"Katrina reminds you of why you want to do this: she is very inspiring and encouraging. She re-instilled that passion I have for dental hygiene, and instilled value in what we are doing."
The Sanders Board Prep Virtual Study Lounge
This comprehensive lecture program is designed to supplement student learning and enhance understanding of concepts, terminology and procedures commonly discussed within the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination issued by the Joint Commission - and it will now be accessible to future RDH's nationwide.
There's no secret that Sanders Board Preparatory students are well-prepared and ready to perform successfully on their examination. Why? Because our future RDH's always (and will always) come first. This is why students the Sanders Virtual Study Lounge will receive 30 days of access to all our lectures and materials - more than any other virtual board prep course in the United States.
We are bringing this 100% passing rate board prep course to you virtually, making sure that preparations for your Board Examinations will be the least of your worries. Results of our course are outstanding, as every student who has taken this course has passed their examination on their first attempt. More importantly, each student walked confidently into the examination trusting in their abilities and walked away with optimism regarding their performance. And through this virtual lounge, you will be equipped with all the knowledge and confidence you need plus more.

Sanders Board Preparatory promotes lifelong learning and encourages its participants to never stop asking "Why?".
The pursuit of success in the dental hygiene community requires this zest for knowledge and the application of teachable methods.
Why not choose Sanders Board Prep to help you make those strides in your own career?
"Katrina knows everything you need to know to pass your boards."
"She is high-energy and there was never a dull moment."
"This is a class I'd pay ANY amount of money to know 110% that I was going to pass my boards."
"The confidence I gained in not only feeling like the material was clicking but also sticking was priceless."
"She made the lectures entertaining and fun."
"I’ve been through a long journey of being a hygiene student, I graduated, tried to take my boards and failed it. I had a calling to take Sanders Board Prep and this opportunity has been so amazing. Shout out to Sanders Board Prep: it was the best experience and it is the best for one-on-one contact, Katrina has been great. I feel ready to take my board!"
Note: student passed her boards 2 weeks later!

"I wanted to inform you that I got my grade back from my boards and I finally passed!!!!! After my third attempt I finally did it! Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement especially when I was feeling defeated!! I really took all your advise plus more to help me get through this slight hurdle. Thanks again so much!!
Sheela RDH"
"I was uneasy after failing my boards last year, and this whole year has been a dark year for me. I felt ashamed, was in denial and didn’t know where to go or what to do after failing my boards. I walked into Sanders Board Prep and knew it was different. I felt a huge support system with Sanders Board Prep, and now I am ready and feeling excited. I know I’m going to rock my boards!"
Note: student passed her board 1 month later!

Dental hygiene students LOVE to ask questions, and Sanders LOVES to answer them, so here we go!
Katrina's article on Today's RDH:
5 Tips for Passing the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination
Dental Hygiene Program Directors:
Help guarantee your students' success with the National Dental Hygiene Board Exam.